Full description of the novel with links here:


My website.


"That Time Elon Lost His Mind" published under my legal name in Unlikely Stories.


Los Angeles Public Library interviews me here.


MY REACTION TO RAZORCAKE's CRITICISM OF MY MINI ZINE: (these links support my May 14, 2022 post)

"Some Advice for the Rich from the Poor"

Recreated MySpace reactions to "Some Advice for the Rich from the Poor."

Overview of my of drop out.

Resume of the 22 part-time jobs I worked over 22 years.


Order "Zine from the Future Describing the End of Civilization" here. This zine was a finalist for BEST POLITICAL ZINE 2021 at Broken Pencil Magazine's International Zine Awards in Toronto, Canada.

Print the "In Solidarity with the Women of Mexico" zine from this page.

My meaningful drudgery job story 'Overlord & Sons,' published in The Literary Nest.

"The Happy Transfusion of Little Lily Lovesun," being the child's tale which inspired the "Eat the Sun" button.

"The Would-Be President": Rate and/or Review it on AMAZON here.

"The Would-Be President": Rate and/or Review it on GOODREADS here.

My prophetic piece of short fiction called "Question" about a press conference during a pandemic, published in 2017.